Thursday 29 December 2011

Launch Day

Hello potential readers, this is the first post in what I hope will be many more to come. I'd like to begin by telling you a little about myself. As the title of this blog suggests I enjoy playing MMO's or in truth enjoy playing a variety of games, having spent significant amounts of time playing MMORPG specifically. If you are wondering where I am from the the answer you are looking for is Canada, Southern Ontario to be a little more precise.

 My earliest recollections of gaming are of watching my aunt play Final Fantasy on our old Nintendo system. I remember watching her kill Chaos for the first time and refusing to go to bed when it was well past my bedtime. Ever since I have always looked for games that went out of their way to challenge you while immersing you in the world. I believe what truely ruins a game is when you can no longer immerse yourself in the world whether that is a result of bad game design, lag or simply a system that doesn't respond how the player thinks it should.

In terms of blog specific things I would look forward to any advice anyone has to offer in terms of page setup/links. I will rarely moderate comments made on a post. If you have something stupid/offtopic to say I will gladly let you post so everyone can see just how stupid you are. If you are a fellow blogger feel free to toss up a link to your own blog should you be writing about the same/similar topic.

So this concludes my first post, I plan to write frequently and start to comment under my blogger name, Adawde on other people's blogs to stir up conversation. Bye for now.....

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